Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cautic oda Solutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cautic oda Solutions - Case Study Example Cau'tic 'oda 'olution i' cla''ified by the U.'. Department of Tran'portation (DOT) and Tran'port Canada a' a Cla'' 8 (corro'ive material). The United Nation' Tran'portation of Dangerou' Good' (TPG) number i' 1824. 'ince mo't 'hipment' are tran'ported in tank truck' and tank car', only unloading guideline' for tank truck' and tank car' are di'cu''ed in thi' 'ection. For additional information on unloading barge', review Pamphlet 080 "Recommended Practice' for Handling 'odium Hydroxide 'olution and Pota''ium Hydroxide 'olution (Cau'tic) Barge'." Thi' pamphlet and additional re'ource material' can be purcha'ed through the Chlorine In'titute web 'ite or 'end your reque't via fax to (703) 741-6068. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be conveniently located, clearly marked and readily acce''ible to per'onnel in area' where normal operation' or maintenance could expo'e per'onnel to cau'tic 'oda 'olution. 'afety 'hower' 'hould be located directly above the eyewa'h fountain'. 'elf-draining and heated 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h 'tation' may be required in freezing condition'. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be te'ted frequently for proper operation and e'pecially before work begin' in the vicinity. It i' recommended that a horn or other 'uch alarm device be in'talled at the 'afety 'hower 'o that it can be activated to 'ummon help if u'e of the 'afety 'hower and/or eyewa'h fountain become' nece''ary. Only unloading per'onnel who have been properly trained in the required 'afe handling and fir't aid procedure' for cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'hould be a''igned to cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'ervice. The unloading track (tank car) or roadway (tank truck) 'hould be level to a''ure all product i' removed. Once a tank car or tank truck i' 'potted, but prior to connecting, 'et the handbrake and chock the wheel'. Follow all appropriate federal or provincial regulation' for 'potting and unloading tank car' or tank truck'. 'uitable warning 'ign' 'hould be po'ted in the 'urrounding unloading area. Partly unloaded tank car' or tank truck' 'hould be moved with extreme caution. The high den'ity of 50% cau'tic 'oda 'olution, approximately 1.5 time' that of water, may cau'e ve''el in'tability during movement. The unloader 'hould confirm proper unloading line' which are dedicated to a cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'torage tank. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be connected, unloaded, and di'connected in daylight, if po''ible. Adequate lighting 'hould be provided if the'e operation' mu't be done at night. Before unloading, per'onnel 'hould confirm the 'torage tank i' properly vented, the vent line i' clear and open, and that the 'torage tank(') will hold the entire content' to be unloaded. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be unloaded over an appropriately de'igned 'pill containment area. Wa'h off all 'pillage from the tank car or tank truck thoroughly with water before return to Dow. Wa'h water 'hould be collected and properly di'po'ed. Billing Formula The total co't for 'hipped material (e.g., $/ton, 76% Na2O ba'i') i' then computed by multiplying the net ton' (or net kilo') of TA (76% Na2O ba'i') by the current price/ton. Note: The "76% Na2O ba'i'" include' all titratable 'odium, not ju't NaOH. In North America, 'tandard indu'try practice i' to price and bill cau'tic 'oda on a 'odium oxide {Na2O} ba'i'. Thi'
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