Friday, November 29, 2019

Lab Report Electrical Conductivity Essay Example

Lab Report Electrical Conductivity Paper When an ionic compound forms, the anion transfers an electron to the action which creates an electrostatic bond and an electrically neutral compound. Also, they readily solve in aqueous solutions and are good conductors of heat and electricity. Further, ionic compounds can be classified as either strong conductors or weak conductors. In contrast, molecular compounds are formed from non-metals. Molecular compounds share electrons between atoms forming a covalent bond. In general, molecular compounds do not dissolve readily in solution and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. They are classified as Nan-electrolyte compounds. The reason of why electrolytes or ionic compounds are supposed to conduct electricity is because of the charge of the molecule, ionic compounds can have either a really positive or a really negative charge. This charge in the molecule makes it easier to electrons to move from molecule to molecule; therefore an electric current is generated. On the other hand, covalent compounds, either polar or non-polar, are not capable of conducting electricity. This is because they have more balanced charges and it is harder for electrons to move from one particle to another one. Also one has to take into account that when dealing with mixtures, if it contains one ionic compound and a covalent compound, its conductivity will be affected by the covalent compound and it probably wont ransoms an electric current. In this experiment, six different substances will be used in order to determine their electrical conductivity. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Electrical Conductivity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Electrical Conductivity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Electrical Conductivity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Objectives To know, determine and prove which substances are capable to conduct electricity and which substances cant conduct electricity and if any of these six following substances can conduct electricity by submerging two copper wires connected to a battery that powers up a light bulb when electric current is present and the copper wire conduct it. Also being able to explain at the end the cause of why some substances were not capable to transmit an electric current while other substances could. Material IV battery 3 copper wires 1 small light bulb pup Physiological serum (Electrolytes) Storage Sucrose 1% Nasal KICK 5% 2 screws Method 1 . Connect the copper wires to the battery and the light bulb, (first wire) one end goes to the battery and the other end is left aside, (second wire) one end goes to the battery and the other goes to the light bulb, (third wire) one end goes to a metal part next to the light bulb and the other end is left aside.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Understanding Maslows Theory of Self-Actualization

Understanding Maslows Theory of Self-Actualization Psychologist Abraham Maslows theory of self-actualization contends that individuals are motivated to fulfill their potential in life. Self-actualization is typically discussed in conjunction with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which posits that self-actualization sits at the top of a hierarchy above four lower needs. Origins of the Theory During the mid-20th century, the theories of psychoanalysis and behaviorism were prominent in the field of psychology. Though largely very different, these two perspectives shared a general assumption that people are driven by forces beyond their control. In response to this assumption, a new perspective, called humanistic psychology, arose.  The humanists wanted to offer a more optimistic, agentive perspective on human striving. The theory of self-actualization emerged out of this humanistic perspective. Humanistic psychologists claimed that people are driven by higher needs, particularly the need to actualize the self. In contrast to the psychoanalysts and behaviorists who focused on psychological problems, Maslow developed his theory by studying psychologically healthy individuals. The Hierarchy of Needs Maslow contextualized his theory of self-actualization within a hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy represents five needs arranged from lowest to highest, as follows: Physiological needs: These include needs that keep us alive, such as food, water, shelter, warmth, and sleep.Safety needs: The need to feel secure, stable, and unafraid.Love and belongingness needs: The need to belong socially by developing relationships with friends and family.Esteem needs: The need to feel both (a) self-esteem based on one’s achievements and abilities and (b) recognition and respect from others.Self-actualization needs: The need to pursue and fulfill one’s unique potentials. When Maslow originally explained the hierarchy in 1943, he stated that higher needs generally won’t be pursued until lower needs are met. However, he added, a need does not have to be completely satisfied for someone to move onto the next need in the hierarchy. Instead, the needs must be partially satisfied, meaning that an individual  can pursue all five needs, at least to some extent, at the same time.   Maslow included  caveats in order to explain why certain individuals might pursue higher needs before lower ones. For example, some people who are especially driven by the desire to express themselves creatively may pursue self-actualization even if their lower needs are unmet. Similarly, individuals who are particularly dedicated to pursuing higher ideals may achieve self-actualization despite adversity that prevents them from meeting their lower needs. Defining Self-Actualization To Maslow, self-actualization is the ability to become the best version of oneself. Maslow stated, â€Å"This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.†    Of course, we all hold different values, desires, and capacities. As a result, self-actualization will manifest itself differently in different people. One person may self-actualize through artistic expression, while another will do so by becoming a parent, and yet another by inventing new technologies. Maslow believed that, because of the difficulty of fulfilling the four lower needs, very few people would successfully become self-actualized, or would only do so in a limited capacity. He proposed that the people who can successfully self actualize share certain characteristics. He called these people self-actualizers. According to Maslow, self-actualizers  share the ability to achieve peak experiences, or moments of joy and transcendence. While anyone can have a peak experience, self-actualizers have them more frequently. In addition, Maslow suggested that self-actualizers tend to be highly creative, autonomous, objective, concerned about humanity, and accepting of themselves and others. Maslow contended  that some people are simply not motivated to self-actualize. He made this point by differentiating between deficiency needs, or D-needs, which encompass the four lower needs in his hierarchy, and being needs, or B-needs. Maslow said that D-needs come from external sources, while B-needs come from within the individual. According to Maslow, self-actualizers are more motivated to pursue B-needs than non-self-actualizers. Criticism and Further Study The theory of self-actualization has been criticized for its lack of empirical support and for its suggestion that lower needs must be met before self-actualization is possible. In 1976, Wahba and Bridwell investigated these issues by reviewing a number of studies exploring different parts of the theory. They found only inconsistent support for the theory, and limited support for the proposed progression through Maslow’s hierarchy. However, the idea that some people are more motivated by B-needs than D-needs was supported by their research, lending increased evidence to the idea that some people may be more naturally motivated towards self-actualization than others. A 2011 study by Tay and Diener explored the satisfaction of needs that roughly matched those in Maslow’s hierarchy in 123 countries. They found that the needs were largely universal, but that the fulfillment of one need was not dependent on the fulfillment of another. For example, an individual can benefit from self-actualization even if they have not met their need to belong. However, the study also showed that when most citizens in a society have their basic needs met, more people in that society focus on pursuing a fulfilling and meaningful life. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that self-actualization can be attained before all of the  four other needs are met, but that having ones most  basic  needs met makes self-actualization much more likely.   The evidence for Maslow’s theory is not conclusive. Future research involving self-actualizers is needed in order to learn more. Yet given its importance to the history of psychology, the theory of self-actualization will maintain its place in the pantheon of classic psychological theories.   Sources Compton, William C. â€Å"Self-Actualization Myths: What Did Maslow Really Say?† Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2018, pp.1-18,, Abraham H. â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation.† Psychological Review, vol. 50, no. 4, 1943, pp. 370-396,, Dan. The Person: An Introduction to the Science of Personality Psychology. 5th ed., Wiley, 2008.McLeod, Saul. â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.† Simply Psychology, 21 May 2018., Louis, and Ed Diener. â€Å"Needs and Subjective Well-Being Around the World.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 101, no. 2, 2011, 354-365,, Mahmoud A., and Lawrence G. Bridwell. â€Å"Maslow Reconsidered: A Review of Research on the Need Hierarchy Th eory.† Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, vol. 15, 1976, 212-240,

Friday, November 22, 2019

Discuss the Proposition that a Company's Dividend Policy is Irrelevant Essay

Discuss the Proposition that a Company's Dividend Policy is Irrelevant to its Market Value - Essay Example Some argue that dividend policy will not affect the wealth of the shareholders, whereas some have the opinion that the decisions about dividend policy will affect the shareholder’s wealth and the firm’s valuation. â€Å"Dividend policy refers to the decision regarding the magnitude of the dividend payout, the percentage of earnings paid to the stockholders in the form of dividends. The central, and as yet unresolved, issue concerning dividend policy is whether changes affect firm value† (Dividend Policy 2012). Following are the factors which influence the dividend policy: †¢ Market deficiency for example taxes, agency costs, asymmetric information, flotation costs and transaction costs. †¢ Behavioral considerations for instance illogical shareholder behavior, behavioral desires of shareholders and usual behaviors of firms. †¢ Industry characteristics for example profitability, size, investment opportunities, availability of cash on probable cash fl ows and future earnings. †¢ Managerial likings for example smoothing of dividends and the disinclination to decrease future dividends. Arguments for the Dividend Irrelevance: Dividend Irrelevance is a theory that an organization’s strategy of dividend has no actual influence on the value of the company. â€Å"The main cause for paying or not paying dividends is the cost of tax. Though dividend irrelevance is not absolutely accurate, it is a superior adequate estimate to the certainty that basic assessment should usually do not take into account strategy of dividend† (Expert 2012). The enduring assumption of dividends involves with the aim that if the organization cannot spend its income to make a revisit that is more than expenditure, it must deliver the income by paying dividends to shareholders. â€Å"The theory of dividend irrelevance is founded on the basis that an organizations dividend strategy is sovereign of the value of its share value, in addition to th e dividend choice is an inactive residual. The price of the organization is resolved by its financing and investment decisions in a best capital formation, and not by its decision of dividend. A general policy of dividend should provide every industry its value of shares, as the policy of dividend is irrelevant in resolving the value of the firm† (Barman n.d., p. 17). This method suggests that dividends symbolize earnings residual more willingly than a dynamic decision variable that influences the organization’s worth. Such a vision is reliable with the theory of dividend irrelevance put forward by the authors Merton H. Miller and Franco Modigliani. â€Å"The authors argue that the industries value is ascertained only by the earning risk and authority of its resources, and that the way in which it divides its earnings stream among dividends and internally maintained funds, does not influence this cost. The big variations in dividends increased the value of share. When there is an increase in the dividend, the share prices also get increase and when the dividend decreases, the share price gets reduced† (Gitman 2008, p. 513). An organization fascinates investors whose liking for the stability as well as payment of dividends match with an organization’s solidity of dividends and actual payment pattern. The shareholders wish for constant dividends on the basis of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cautic oda Solutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cautic oda Solutions - Case Study Example Cau'tic 'oda 'olution i' cla''ified by the U.'. Department of Tran'portation (DOT) and Tran'port Canada a' a Cla'' 8 (corro'ive material). The United Nation' Tran'portation of Dangerou' Good' (TPG) number i' 1824. 'ince mo't 'hipment' are tran'ported in tank truck' and tank car', only unloading guideline' for tank truck' and tank car' are di'cu''ed in thi' 'ection. For additional information on unloading barge', review Pamphlet 080 "Recommended Practice' for Handling 'odium Hydroxide 'olution and Pota''ium Hydroxide 'olution (Cau'tic) Barge'." Thi' pamphlet and additional re'ource material' can be purcha'ed through the Chlorine In'titute web 'ite or 'end your reque't via fax to (703) 741-6068. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be conveniently located, clearly marked and readily acce''ible to per'onnel in area' where normal operation' or maintenance could expo'e per'onnel to cau'tic 'oda 'olution. 'afety 'hower' 'hould be located directly above the eyewa'h fountain'. 'elf-draining and heated 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h 'tation' may be required in freezing condition'. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be te'ted frequently for proper operation and e'pecially before work begin' in the vicinity. It i' recommended that a horn or other 'uch alarm device be in'talled at the 'afety 'hower 'o that it can be activated to 'ummon help if u'e of the 'afety 'hower and/or eyewa'h fountain become' nece''ary. Only unloading per'onnel who have been properly trained in the required 'afe handling and fir't aid procedure' for cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'hould be a''igned to cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'ervice. The unloading track (tank car) or roadway (tank truck) 'hould be level to a''ure all product i' removed. Once a tank car or tank truck i' 'potted, but prior to connecting, 'et the handbrake and chock the wheel'. Follow all appropriate federal or provincial regulation' for 'potting and unloading tank car' or tank truck'. 'uitable warning 'ign' 'hould be po'ted in the 'urrounding unloading area. Partly unloaded tank car' or tank truck' 'hould be moved with extreme caution. The high den'ity of 50% cau'tic 'oda 'olution, approximately 1.5 time' that of water, may cau'e ve''el in'tability during movement. The unloader 'hould confirm proper unloading line' which are dedicated to a cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'torage tank. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be connected, unloaded, and di'connected in daylight, if po''ible. Adequate lighting 'hould be provided if the'e operation' mu't be done at night. Before unloading, per'onnel 'hould confirm the 'torage tank i' properly vented, the vent line i' clear and open, and that the 'torage tank(') will hold the entire content' to be unloaded. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be unloaded over an appropriately de'igned 'pill containment area. Wa'h off all 'pillage from the tank car or tank truck thoroughly with water before return to Dow. Wa'h water 'hould be collected and properly di'po'ed. Billing Formula The total co't for 'hipped material (e.g., $/ton, 76% Na2O ba'i') i' then computed by multiplying the net ton' (or net kilo') of TA (76% Na2O ba'i') by the current price/ton. Note: The "76% Na2O ba'i'" include' all titratable 'odium, not ju't NaOH. In North America, 'tandard indu'try practice i' to price and bill cau'tic 'oda on a 'odium oxide {Na2O} ba'i'. Thi'

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic management - Term Paper Example They are the leaders in investment banking, wealth management and a host of other services. The biggest change that ever took place in the history of the financial institutions was the merger with Bank One. This change primarily took place because the other banks like the Bank of America were almost ready to merge with other big banks like FleetBoston. This merger took place because the financial institutions came under increasing pressure during the time of recession. The announcement of this merger was made on 14 January 2004. The Wall Street reacted very positively because of this merger and the NASDAQ witnessed growth soon after the merger took place. This change took place because the two financial institutions wanted to downsize and cut the deadwood out. The aim was to save about $2.2 billion over three years  and it was planned to eliminate as many as 10,000 people. This again goes to show how desperate even the biggest financial institutions were at the time of recession. Mergers and acquisitions were very common and these overtures were the initial signs which showed that almost all the big financial institutions were panicking. Volatile corporate banking was the major factor on which JP Morgan primarily functioned. The investors looked less enthusiastic with the deal between Bank of America and Fleet-Boston. This deal was for a whopping $48 billion. The shares of Fleet-Boston were driven up as a result of this deal because Bank of America offered 40% premium in this deal. The shares of Bank of America however came down and the investors lost a lot of money consequently. Big mergers take place because both the companies involved in the merger want to grow at a tremendous pace but this merger was not very useful for both the financial institutions. The collapse of WORLDCOM in the year 2005 signaled trouble for JP Morgan chase, the institution had to pay a whopping sum of $2 billion. This sum was paid to the different

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ethnic Nationalism in Korea Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Nationalism in Korea Essay History influences the ethnic nationalism in Korea as well as the nature of the dynamic self-perception of the Korean people. Ethnic nationalism is defined as the combination of ethnicity and race due to historical circumstances. The self-perception of Koreans, a form of orientalism, derives from a form of ethnic nationalism and takes shape in the form of competitiveness amongst other nations. Although many critics argue that the stigma of ethnic nationalism may bring about a generalization of a nation’s people, the certain dynamism of Koreans cannot be masked by ethnic nationalism. Both forms of identity bring about different effects in the social and political world of Korea. Gi-Wook Shin, author of Ethnic Nationalism in Korea, claims that the effect of ethnic nationalism penetrates every aspect of Korean society: â€Å"Indeed, a sense of ethnic unity has served Koreans in a variety of ways from being an ideology of anti-colonialism to that of national unification†(3). He demonstrates that this notion of ethnic nationalism is strong enough to influence political and national policies in a country, but he also explains that ethnic nationalism originated from distinct historical events that had occurred in the country. This unique phenomenon formed due to the specific historical circumstances and influences of Korea’s past have not allowed Koreans to able to fully differentiate between race and ethnicity: Although race is understood as a collectivity defined by innate and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics and ethnicity is generally regarded as a cultural phenomenon based on a common language and history, Koreans have not historically differentiated between the two. Instead, race has served as a marker that strengthened ethnic identity, which in turn was instrumental in defining the nation. Race, ethnicity, and nation were conflated, and this is reflected in the multiple uses of the term minjok, the most widely used term for â€Å"nation,† which can also refer to â€Å"ethnie† or â€Å"race† (pg. 4, ENK) Shin describes that the conglomerate definition of ethnic nationalism has been formed from Korea’s historic events. In addition, Marxist historian Paek Namun concurred with Shin’s definition of ethnic nationalism: â€Å"Korea is a unitary notion with a common blood, territory, language, culture, and historical destiny for thousands of years† (5). However despite this deep rooted nationalism in Korea, Shin argued that this ethnic nationalism was not inevitable and could not have existed. He claimed that the national identity of any nation was subject to change depending on its â€Å"historical contingency†(9). For example, the increase in the foreboding presence of Japan, China, and other foreign countries throughout Korea’s history had also increased its sense of ethnic nationalism. More particularly, the distinction between Koreans and other East Asian countries posed as threats to the country, and Korea had thus evolved to form an ethnic nationalism that was â€Å"blood line† related. This strong sense of identity through blood is what critics relate to when defining the adamant stance in identity by the Korean people under Japanese colonialism. In addition to the different forms of ethnic nationalism, many have criticized and questioned Gi-Wook Shin’s broad definition of ethnic nationalism and its association with identifying the self-perception of Koreans. Critics of Shin’s argue that ethnic nationalism will result in essentialism and prevent the analysis of the true self-perception of Koreans. On the contrary, I believe that the dynamic nature of Koreans’ notions of themselves stems from a form of ethnic nationalism in Korea. Korea’s self perception is based off of the domination under foreign nations in the past and has stemmed from the ethnic nationalism that was represented in Korea under this oppression. Gilbert Rozman explains the effect that influenced South Korea from such oppression in South Korea’s National Identity Sensitivity: Evolution, Manifestations, Prospects: China with its precocious premodern past and record of regional centrality and Japan with its late premodern dynamism and modern rise to regional ascendency, Korea pales in comparisons that fail to appreciate its own relative strengths on an international comparative scale and its lack of reasons for guilt in external relations Koreans could take pride in how their country has repeatedly seized opportunities in confining circumstances (pg. 2) Rozman shows that the ethnic nationalism in Korea was the reaction reflected from the inferiority under Japan and China. He describes Korea’s struggle to appreciate their impressive standing as a nation confined between two great East Asian countries. Ethnic nationalism therefore formed due to their restless struggle and determinant fervor to seek a position in the global world that it could one day be proud of. The competitiveness that grew out of this distinct ethnic nationalism developed from an outlook judged under the international community and its standards of a successful country. South Korea’s dynamic nature therefore arose from an orientalist view that originated in the ethnic nationalism under Japan’s and China’s presence. Korea’s dynamic nature is one that constantly evolves and adapts to current modernization. Koreans have been striving to seek success in almost every international sector, whether it can be shown through economic success, technological achievements, or through physical achievements such as the World Cup. As Shin describes the 2002 World Cup phenomenon: â€Å" This fervor over the World Cup was not simply about soccer. It was also about national pride, identity, and confidence† (ENK, pg. 2), he explains that the reward of success had contributed to Korea’s definition of its own identity. In addition, Shin includes that of 542 surveyed Koreans, 76% of them had claimed to express a â€Å"renewed confidence in Korea’s capability in the world† (Korea Herald, July 10, 2002). As this identity is attributed to a prideful sense of ethnic nationalism based on success, the dynamic nature of Korea has certainly proved to work under its representation throughout the global community. As quoted above, Korea’s success is to achieve world recognition in order to rectify it’s â€Å"capability in the world†. This notion is what attributes the dynamic nature of the Korean people, and it is this attitude that pushes Korea to competitively seek its place as one of the top nations in the global community and rid its past image as the poor, war-ridden country that it once was in the past. Korea’s ethnic nationalism and self-perception have both been very influential driving forces in Korean policies and attitudes. Both of these notions are effected by the historic events that have heavily influenced and changed how Koreans view themselves. In addition to this similarity, Koreans’ self-perception has in fact stemmed from ethnic nationalism. However despite the relationship between the two, each notion has a much different effect on the people of Korea. Ethnic nationalism in Korea effects Koreans through its sense of unity and blood line. Self-perception of Koreans, however, impassion Koreans through a sense of competitiveness from the ethnic nationalism formed when Korea was under colonial rule. Therefore, Korean ethnic nationalism should not block Koreans’ outlook on themselves.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Silkos Yellow Woman and Chopins Story of an Hour :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing Silko's Yellow Woman and Chopin's Story of an Hour In the stories "Yellow Woman" and "Story of an Hour", both women were under the subjection of men. They were depicted as weak, loving the men of domination, but wanting to escape the men's shadows. In Silko's "Yellow Woman", the confusing western-type setting of dry, hot alkali-white crust dirt, rivers, and horses with the contrast of modern day mentioning of trucks, schools, and jello set the tone. The narrator's desire to seek solace in her grandpa who was dead(191). But the next best thing was to seek comfort in his story that he liked to tell. Instead, the narrator placed herself in the story which she told to her family(193). The protagonist ,which is the narrator, was depicted as a weak, but sex driven woman. She was handled roughly by Silva due to his pinning her down (191) and threats of "you will do what I want"(190). She wanted to get away but chose not to leave. Silva was a man that spoke dictatingly and to the point. The protagonist in the story took pride in her lover Silva. She enjoyed his sexual encounters as well as his physical attributes. She also enjoyed the adventures of riding off with him to places where he went, but not knowing him for he was a stranger. The narrator was torn between the present ( husband Al, baby, grandma and mother) and the past (grandpa, story about ka'tsina spirit). The protagonist seemed to to enjoy being dictated what to do by Silva. The narrator and Silva seemed to be free spirits. They both loved adventure. But Silva was entitled to the right whereas Yellow Woman was no more than a weak follower with no say in the matter. The narrator and Yellow Woman felt that they had to be submissive to their men. The narrator's Indian background, Pueblo, seemed to be strict with the women expressing how they really feel to their husband. Also, the men seem to be honest since the narrator sopke "the men don't do things like that"(190). The narrator deserve to escape but she just took a walk along the river but she would eventually "come home"(191). It was strikingly interesting to see Al playing with the baby with no clue as to how the narrator was feeling. On the other hand, Chopin's The Story of an

Monday, November 11, 2019

Storm Born Chapter Four

We were on each other before we even made it to his room. If our actions on the dance floor had been racy, our grappling in the elevator was downright X-rated. Fortunately no one else rode up with us, which was a good thing, considering the disheveled state of our clothing when we finally made it inside. All the while, some reasonable voice in my mind kept whispering, You don't do this kind of thing. But I was. And I wanted to, very badly. It was a nice room, not surprising in such a nice hotel. A king-size bed offered comfort in the moonlit room, and beyond it, a sliding glass door opened out to a balcony that overlooked the desert. I didn't have time to admire the view because Kiyo pushed me down onto the bed, pulling my shirt off at the same time. I'd already done a fair job at undoing his pants in the elevator, so I had an edge in the race. When we were both naked, I saw him sit up and lean over the side of the bed, fumbling with the grocery store bag on the floor. We'd had to make an unromantic – but necessary – stop for condoms. I was on the pill, but even in the heat of passion, I wasn't so foolish as to trust going into unprotected sex with a stranger, no matter how charming. Kiyo's eager hands practically tore the box apart, causing the little packets to scatter on the floor. He picked one up and opened it, and I helped him put it on. I smiled both at his reaction to my touch and the fact that the condom was a deep scarlet. When it was on, I admired him for a moment. Everything about him was perfect: the shape of his body, the sculpted muscles, the tanned skin. His eyes were dark and demanding in the dim lighting, black depths that wanted to wrap me up. There was an intense quality to him, something primal and feral. He regarded me in a similarly scrutinizing way just before pulling me down onto the bed with him, laying his body across mine. All he did was kiss me at first. Everywhere. He tasted my lips again and then my neck, tracing its shape with his tongue. My breasts held his attention for a long time after that, but then, breasts occupied most guys' attention as a general rule. He held them and kissed them, biting the nipples, keeping his eyes locked on mine the entire time. For me, it was like traces of fire shooting under my skin, like his touch was some kind of drug my body needed to survive. When his face moved between my legs, it was only to nuzzle against the sensitive skin down there, to run his tongue along the place where my thigh connected with the rest of my body. He inhaled deeply, burying himself against me as though he needed to take more of me in. He moved back up so that we were face to face once more, his body again on top of mine. My own body was in agony, uncertain as to why we weren't expediting things. I don't know what look was on my face, but he smiled at me. It was a knowing smile, an animal smile. â€Å"There is nothing in the world,† he said in a soft, burning voice, â€Å"like the smell and look of a woman about to let you have her.† â€Å"‘Have?'† I laughed. â€Å"Are you calling me a possession?† â€Å"We're all possessions during sex, Eugenie.† And then I felt him slide into me, slowly at first as though he would inch his way in and catch me unaware, and then plunging all the way. I thought the earlier delay around the tour of my body might have made him less hard, but if anything, he felt harder and bigger than when I'd put the condom on. He moved at a rough, fast pace that in any other man would probably have ended things in thirty seconds. Somehow I suspected that wouldn't be the case here. It wasn't. I dug my nails into his back, arching myself up as though I could drive him farther and farther into me. Already I was almost painfully full, but it was a good pain, the kind that danced with pleasure, making the two inextricable. He moved with long, rapid strokes, watching my face carefully to see how I reacted to every movement and shift of position. When he hit a spot that made my lips part and cries grow louder, he thrust harder and more fiercely. My cries bordered along the edge of screaming, and he moved his hands to hold my wrists and keep my bucking body from moving. The wrist that had been hurt with the keres complained a little, but it was lost to the building sensation between my legs, that burning liquid heat waiting to explode through me. Besides, I wasn't being gentle either. I slipped my hands from his hold and clutched at his back, letting my nails dig in fierce and deep, almost hard enough to draw blood, I realized. That knowledge didn't make me stop. If anything, I dug deeper until he snatched my wrists back and held me down again. It was the roughest sex I'd ever had. And probably the best. â€Å"Don't close your eyes,† he told me. I hadn't even realized I'd been doing it. Vision seemed a superfluous sense at the moment, compared to everything else I felt. â€Å"Look at me,† he whispered. â€Å"Look at me.† Our eyes locked as the pressure within me finally exploded, sending my body thrashing and shaking. My screams faded to one low moan, the only way I could give voice to the feelings coursing through me. One might have thought Kiyo would slow down after that, but he didn't. He kept up the same ardent pace, still holding me, and it was almost too much after that orgasm. I could see from his face that my reactions aroused him, drove him on further. I was his possession in that moment, just as he had said. My combative, fighter nature flared up just then. I decided that I didn't want to be the possession anymore. Dominance and power ruled my days; it would with sex too. I moved my hands from his back to his upper arms and shoulders. Relying on the element of surprise, I rolled him over, using my legs to pin him down, wrapping them around his hips. Pleased surprise poured over his face. He hadn't expected me to be so strong. He shifted as though he might try to throw me, and I shoved him down. It turned into a rougher motion than I intended, but he didn't mind. If anything, it made the passion on his face grow. â€Å"You submit now,† I growled, pressing my palms down onto his chest. A smile twisted at his lips. â€Å"Sure.† I guided him back into me, exultant that I was the one in control now. I moved my hips up and down, leaning over so I could watch him slide in and out of me. My hair, long since freed from its ponytail, hung over him, grazing his skin. I have hair the color of cinnamon, a tawny russet not dark enough to be auburn, nor light enough to be strawberry. In this lighting, however, it was only a dark veil between us. He brushed it aside and rested his hands gently under my breasts so he could feel their movement as I rode him. Looking up through my hair, I watched his face now that I was the one controlling him. It was exquisite. I moved faster and harder, bringing him all the way into me, watching and adjusting as I did. I wanted to see him come so badly, see the look on his face when he lost control. I knew we were close when his hands dropped from my breasts to grip my waist and hips. His fingers clenched tightly into my skin, just as mine had earlier. He kept his gaze on me, bold and unafraid of me seeing him in climax. I moved more fiercely, urging him on, and then I heard a soft, ecstatic sound issue forth. His eyes never left mine, and his hands slid to the backs my shoulders, suddenly raking down my flesh as his body released itself into mine. I yelled out in surprise at the pain from where he'd scratched me. How sharp were his nails? Did he have talons? I'd dug into him too but nothing like what he'd just accomplished on me. When he'd recovered, and his frantic gasps had returned to normal, he seemed to realize what he'd done. â€Å"Oh my God, I'm sorry,† he said, his breathing still heavy. He pulled me to him, putting his arms around me, careful to avoid the places he'd gouged. I laid my cheek against the warm, sweaty skin of his chest. â€Å"Did I hurt you?† I didn't know which part of sex he referred to – probably that last bit of scratching – but really, it didn't matter. â€Å"No,† I lied. â€Å"Of course not.† When we'd both sort of come back to ourselves, we ransacked the shopping bag again and produced the cheap wine we'd purchased along with the condoms. It had seemed hilarious at the time, considering our earlier conversation on courtship gifts. We sat naked and cross-legged in bed, drinking from the glasses that had already been in the room. We talked a little, and though the conversation was a bit less substantive than in the bar, it still felt comfortable. It was hard to be eloquent after the wild, animal experience we'd just had. I went to the bathroom at one point and peered at my back in the mirror. He'd missed my tattoos but definitely drawn blood and torn skin. It was startling. I wet a washcloth and cleaned my stinging back as best I could, then pulled on one of the plush white robes hanging on the back of the door. Kiyo still sat on the bed, watching me, but I left him there and took my wine outside to the balcony. It was a gorgeous night. The cacti and other desert plants stood painted in shadows and moonlight cast from a full silver moon. Selene was out tonight, and I guessed she'd come through for me just now. Crystalline stars adorned the blackness. I had a telescope at home and mused that it would have been a good night to study the heavens. Except that it looked like the weather would turn on us soon. This surprised me, considering how clear it had been most of the day. Rain was rare this time of year. But dark clouds were tumbling quickly across the sky, blotting out the stars they passed. On the horizon the clouds came from, I saw a faint flicker of lightning. A wind picked up, the kind of wind that rises and falls like one's breath. The air was warm and alive, building up tension and power. It wouldn't be a dismal, glowering storm; it would be the kind of storm that left you awestruck about the power of life and nature. I felt alive too in that moment, as restless and wild as the tempest about to come. I felt pretty confident I had never opened myself up to anyone as much as I had to Kiyo just now. I had let myself go. It was frightening and thrilling at the same time. I heard him step out onto the balcony a few minutes later and then I felt his arms slide around my waist and his chest press against my back. He rested his chin on my shoulder. All was quiet around us. We were far from the highway, and no one else seemed to be awake. There was only the sound of the wind blowing around us and thunder growing louder. Kiyo's hands slipped to my waist and loosened the ties. He then reached up and tugged at the robe so that it fell off, leaving me naked to the elements. I started to turn away, shy, but he held me where I was. â€Å"No one's out,† he murmured, running his hands over my body, grazing my breasts as he moved farther down. â€Å"And even if they were, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You're beautiful, Eugenie. You are so amazingly beautiful.† He buried his face against my neck, and I leaned into him as he kissed me. His hand slid down between my legs and stroked me as the wind caressed my skin. When I whimpered out of desire, he released me for a moment, and I heard a slight rustling. He'd brought a condom outside with him. Presumptuous bastard. He had it on in seconds and then returned his hands to me, positioning me so that I bent over, my hands holding on to the railing. He pressed up behind me, and then that hard thickness was inside me again, once more claiming possession. I was almost rubbed raw from our last round, but as he kept moving into me, I eventually grew wet again, allowing the line between pleasure and pain to blur once more. It seemed crazy, having sex out here in public like this, but it was the kind of crazy that felt pretty damned good. Apparently he had an exhibitionist streak. But no one was out here. It was just us and the desert and the storm. I hadn't thought I could come any more tonight, but he proved me wrong just as the first warm drops of rain began to fall. Thunder and lightning occurred together around us now; the storm had reached us, screaming its own ecstasy to the earth. Still Kiyo moved into me, oblivious of the weather, intent only on me and him. At last, when we were in a full downpour, I felt him shudder and give a few last hard strokes before pulling out. Then he turned me around and drew me to him again. I could hear his heart beating in his chest almost as loudly as the thunder around us. The desert flickered and flared to life in the lightning, and the pounding rain threatened to drown us. But neither of us noticed. I fell asleep pretty quickly after that, lying under the covers in his arms once we'd both toweled off. No insomnia tonight. Yet, I woke up a couple hours later, not entirely certain why. Then I knew. Kiyo's hand was pressed against my mouth, making it hard to breathe. The storm had stopped; all was silent in the dark room. I started to struggle, and then his mouth was by my ear, his voice barely audible. â€Å"Shh. Something's in here.† I nodded my understanding, and a moment later, he released his hold. We both lay perfectly still, and I thought about his choice of words. Something, not someone. Literal and figurative chills suddenly crept over me. Following Kiyo's gaze, I looked up at the wrought-iron headboard and saw ice crystals spreading along it like fine white lace. Our breath came out in small clouds, and my bare skin shivered with the cold. A shape moved into my field of vision, shining in the returned moonlight. I had known what it was before seeing it. An ice elemental. A creature vaguely anthropomorphic and composed of sharp, glittering ice crystals. Technically, however, it was just one of the gentry. Some of them could not pass physically into our world, just as some shamans could not cross physically into theirs. Gentry not wanting to come in spirit but lacking the strength to come over with bodies intact would sometimes cross in an altered, flawed form. An elemental form. Of course, the thing was, any gentry not strong enough to come physically was not even close to being as strong as me. I could kick any elemental's ass easily. Well, if I had the right tools, of course. At the moment, all I had – aside from my own physical strength – was my jewelry, which was more defensive than offensive. All of my weapons had been left at home, save my wand, which was in my purse. Unfortunately, my purse still sat over by the door where it had been dropped immediately upon entering the room, lest it hinder Kiyo and me ripping each other's clothes off. A dilemma, truly. But the ice elemental could see we were awake now, and a cold smile – seriously – crossed its face. Screw this. I was going to have to make a move for the door and hope I was faster than it. I started to tell Kiyo just to stay still, but suddenly he leapt from his lounging position and nailed the elemental squarely with a kick straight to the solar plexus. The elemental flew backward, hitting the wall, and for a moment, I could only stare. I'd barely seen Kiyo move. One minute he was with me, the next he was on the elemental. And was he on it! I mean, I was stronger than a lot of people, but I could not have landed that blow. I knew of few who could. It was my will or weapons that fought a creature like this in the end, not my body. How had Kiyo done that? I stared at him incredulously, then realized I was missing my window here. I sprang from the bed, slipping out of Kiyo's reach. â€Å"No, Eugenie! Stay away!† I made it to the door, but the elemental was getting up. Its eyes focused on me, and my stomach lurched, knowing I had attracted this creature here and possibly put Kiyo at risk. The elemental gave a tinny laugh as it watched me empty out the purse onto the floor. â€Å"Yes, Eugenie Markham, stay away. Stay away, little swan.† It took a step toward me. Frantically, I searched for the wand. Where had all this shit in my purse come from? â€Å"How do you know my name?† I asked, hoping to distract it. Gentry, no matter their form, loved to hear themselves talk. â€Å"Everyone knows your name. And everyone wants you.† I'd never thought a walking chunk of ice could look lascivious, but this one pulled it off. I shuddered and not from the cold. â€Å"But I see someone has already tasted you tonight. No matter. I don't mind following in another's wake, nor will I be the last to spread those soft legs – â€Å" The creature was so fixated on me and what it wanted to do to me that it'd forgotten about Kiyo. Kiyo had surveyed the room during the exchange, and I'd seen his eyes rest on a tall, wrought-iron lamp. His eyes glittered with a dark heat, almost frightening in its ferocity. With the elemental distracted, Kiyo dashed for the lamp, again moving with incredible speed, and then in one motion, swung it at the elemental, hitting it with the force of a tank. A large chunk of ice broke from the elemental's body, and it roared in agony. Iron or steel will always hurt the gentry, regardless of which world they walk. I wondered if Kiyo had known that. The elemental lunged at him, and the two of them wrestled on the floor, rolling over and over as they struggled to land a hit. Kiyo fought savagely, and each time he dug his fingers into the monster, it would hiss in pain. I had my wand now and advanced toward the two of them. I thrust it out, making it an extension of my arm. With alcohol still metabolizing in my body, as well as me being physically exhausted, I knew I couldn't destroy the elemental, but I could sure as hell send it back to the Otherworld. The air tingled around me, and again I smelled ozone. The elemental realized what I was doing and released Kiyo, trying to stop me. Kiyo did not let his prey go so easily, however, and moved forward, his foot again connecting with the creature – this time on the back. The weakened elemental stumbled to its knees. I could usually do expulsions on my own, but tonight I needed a little divine help. â€Å"By Hecate's grace, I cast you from this world. In Hecate's name, I return you to your own realm.† The elemental screamed its fury, but it was already dissolving. â€Å"Leave here, and return no more, you fucking bastard. Go.† The elemental shattered in an explosion of ice. Some of the crystals grazed my skin, cutting it. An onlooker might have thought it had been destroyed, but I had only damaged its elemental manifestation. It had gone to the Otherworld in its own body. I could hear the blood pounding in my ears, adrenaline surging through me. Another creature had known my name. And like the keres, it had seemed terribly interested in me in a†¦Biblical way. Bleh. But I had more pressing problems. Slowly I turned to stare at Kiyo who was watching me with equal caution, taking in my posture and the charged wand in my hand. Kiyo. Dark, sexy Kiyo, who had wooed me in the bar and just given me the best sex of my life. The same Kiyo who had just fought an elemental with more strength and speed than I ever could have mustered – more than any human could have mustered. He had also not turned into a blabbering, shocked idiot like most humans would have – should have – around an elemental. He had seen one before. He knew what it was, just as he knew what my wand and incantations were. What had earlier seemed like a passionate encounter for me suddenly had a vile edge. Fear traced my spine as we stared at each other, neither of us certain what to do. The words were on my lips, but he asked them first. â€Å"What are you?†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reaction Paper on “Matilda” Essay

Dr. Seuss once said; â€Å"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you’ll go.† This is the way on how I can describe Matilda as a reader. Matilda’s life as a kid has not been easy for her. By the age of three, she started to take good care of herself without any assistance made by her parents. I can say that Matilda’s parents are somewhat mean; they don’t know the real essence of education. They are always thinking of ways (bad) on how to have a life with full of money. Harry believes that education is not the key to success; it’s by doing bad and making big money. Zinnia agrees to the belief of her husband. I find the movie very interesting, inspiring, and unforgettable. The most interesting part is when Matilda was finally brought to school by her dad, I felt really happy for her. I also did felt the eagerness of Matilda in going to school. She always pleased her parents for her schooli ng. I find inspiring because at her young age, she was able to appreciate the essence of reading books. And even though without school, she was able to learn many things by her own. The part where I witnessed her willingness to learn is the unforgettable part. It’s true that her parents offer her an easy life where she will not do anything but only to watch TV. But she didn’t accept this offer, instead she wants to prove to her parents that learning through books is much interesting than anyone else. She even got to the point that she disrespectfully answered her dad after saying that Matilda was a cheater (in the part that Harry is asking Michael to solve their income that day). There is also a part when Matilda plays trick to his dad whenever he will do something bad like dyeing Harry’s hair and putting glue unto his cap. Matilda is a booklover. She is willing to do anything and everything for reading and learning. She doesn’t want to be like her parents who grew being a cheater. She is a kind of reader who was able to finish reading all the children books in the library, and was almost finish reading all the references found there. She doesn’t choose books to read, but she wants it all to read. She has a fast level of understanding, she has a retentive memory. And this was proven when Ms. Honey formulates a joke quantity problem; and Matilda was able to answer the question. They were amazed and they thought that Matilda doesn’t know anything yet. Matilda proves them wrong. I am so far to the life of Matilda as a reader, we really are so different. Ever since I was child, reading will be the least and last thing that I would want to do; which proves our differences with each other. She likes to read a lot, and I don’t want to read. She is fond of reading a large number of pages of book, while I’m fond of reading a number of pages. She wants to read books with full of pints, fill of words; while I want to read books which contain a large, colorful pictures, and prints. She appreciates reading, while I’m not. In some way, we also have similarities. I read fast and can comprehend it. I can also feel the emotions present in the texts I’m reading. I also imagine myself into that environment which the writer explains. I can also memorize two to three pages of paper full of prints. And knowing this makes me feel so proud and happy. My family allocate budget for reading materials. My father is very supportive and gallant in giving money for educational materials; you won’t even hear a word from him. He will do everything just to execute his responsibility being a father to us. No questions can be asked for him in our budget for education, he will and he can give to us for it. We have sets of almanac, number of English and Chinese dictionaries, encyclopedia, magazines, short story books, recipe books, volumes of Chicken Soup books, and many more. Almost 10% of our house is books. And it only proves that we really have budget for it. Indeed â€Å"Matilda† is one of a kind movie. It’s very inspiring and educational. It will help you appreciate and somewhat to like and to love reading books. Watching this movie can help you develop likeness in reading. After watching this movie, you will able to define what reading is all about, and what reading can bring in to your life. Developing my reading skills is not easy, nor not an easy job. I’ve been trying hard put reading into my passion, but I guess it wouldn’t be ever. Yes I feel nervous, because my profession needs and requires a lot of reading. I want to be successful teacher to my students. I want them to have a good life because of my teachings. And because of this reason, I’ll not stop pursuing myself to read and read. Reading will not be my passion at all. I will not do reading because of myself. I will do reading for my future students, and I will make the movie Matilda an inspiration and a vision while I’m developing reading.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dior JAdore Ad Campaign Review Essay

Dior JAdore Ad Campaign Review Essay Dior JAdore Ad Campaign Review Essay Dior JAdore Ad Campaign Review Essay An ad campaign consists of many adverts that are created to promote a certain product or idea. An advert has an impact on the formation of visual images in the mind of a recipient influencing their perception of a thing or an idea. A commercial advertisement is aimed at encouraging the purchase of a specific product. The quality of an advertisement is measured against its effectiveness in its ability to influence people’s behaviour or opinion. For a commercial ad, its success is seen in the increase in purchases as a result of the advert. Ads are presented in either the audio form on radios, or the visual form in newspapers and magazines. They can also be in a combination of both as on television and online video clips. This report will explain various parts of an advert using the Dior J’Adore fragrance as the example of reference. The Dior J’Adore Advert The newest J’Adore was launched on the 4th September 2011 in order to revive the Eau de Toilette brand and increase the awareness of a film featuring the brand ambassador Charlize Theron. Apart from Charlize, other actresses, who featured in the campaign, are Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich and Grace Kelly. The campaign was spread across the world in different media: online at their web site, television for an instant TF1, a French television channel, and it was also in printed advertisements. The campaign was generally successful in all the countries it appeared (Annaud 2011). The ad starts with Theron arriving late for the catwalk. She runs upstairs gowned in black. Then she enters, making her way quickly passing all the people who do not seem to notice her. She goes to the backstage, where she prepares for the catwalk. There are other models, including Marlene, Grace and Marilyn, who are also busy putting on makeup. The scene of the catwalk and the awaiting crowd sets the scene for fashion. Theron enters the runway dressed in a yellow gown, the same colour as the Eau de Parfum, which she carries. The advert ends there leaving the consumer to see what happens next from there as they watch the full brand film (Shapland 2011). Alongside the TV and online ad, there was a printed advert that appeared in magazines and newspapers. The ad is a picture of Theron and the perfume. Theron is dressed in the same gown she wore on the runway in the TV commercial. The first print was done in France, however, the subsequent prints had her wearing different clothes and posing differently. On the side, there is the name of the producers of the perfume: Dior J’Adore (J’Adore 1 Dior adverts and commercials archive n.d.). Qualities of a Good Ad Campaign An ad campaign is usually done in many different media. For instance, Dior J’Adore was launched online in various channels, including MSN’s channels, women’s channels, luxury channels and Windows live messages that drove the users to their website, where they watched the advertisement film. Advertising in different types of media is aimed at reaching a wide group of people. Each of this site encouraging people to visit J’Adore website (Microsoft Advertising revive the J’Adore Fragrance n.d.). Another characteristic of an ad campaign is that it is launched in various places at the same time like in the case of Dior J’Adore was launched in a span of twenty four hours in fourteen countries. These countries included China, France, Korea, Argentine, Belgium, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and UAE. The countries are dispersed across the world with even some being in totally different continents. This means that the campaign covers a considerable area geographically (Microsoft Advertising revive the J’Adore Fragrance n.d.). An ad also has the ability to build up an emotional connection with the brain of the consumer (10 criteria for a successful ad n.d.). If it creates an emotional experience significant enough that it is remembered, this ad, in its turn, resonates with the audience. This makes consumers desire to buy the product as they can identify with it. Dior J’Adore connects with the brain of the audience as it begins at the entrance of Charlize Theron, who is late for the catwalk. Being late is something that happens to many, therefore, allowing the ad to connect with the audience. In addition, it has music playing alongside, which also increases the stimulation of emotion, which enhances the memorability of the advert. In addition, an ad needs to be more of a conversation rather than a simple prose. Though there is no much of a conversation going on in the Dior J’Adore advertisement due to the music that is included in the ad, there is a connection between Charlize and other models preparing in the backstage. Furthermore, the models themselves seem to be in communication with their stylists as they prepare to make it capture the audience more as if it was just a simple prose. An ad often features celebrities in order to capture the attention of their target audience. Dior JAdore uses four actresses. Charlize is the main model in the advertisement, and she meets with others putting on their makeup and having their hair styled at the backstage (Mackalski 2012). In addition, for the print advert, Theron is still the face of the perfume. The fans of a certain celebrity will buy a product just because they associate with the particular product. An ad should promise a reward for the audience. For an ad to be effective, it has to promise the audience that if they continue they will get a reward. If the audience gets the main message at the beginning, then they will not be interested in following through and get all the details (10 criteria for a successful ad n.d.). Dior appreciates this fact, and that is why they only offer a fifteen second insight to the full movie on their homepage. This creates a notion in the mind of the consumer that if they go to the website, they will get the reward of watching the whole movie and learn what the whole movie is all about. An ad reflects a company’s character. An ad gives the company an opportunity to show reasons for it to be liked or respected. It is better than the sales person in displaying the company’s personality. A messy ad will show that the whole company operates in a disorderly manner, and each of its aspects is messy (10 criteria for a successful ad n.d.). An ad that is full of bragging and boasting shows that the company is self-centred and does not care about the users of their products. A dull advert shows that the company might not be at speed with the latest development. In terms of the J’Adore campaign, it is lively and displays the classiness. Regarding the print advert, the background is also exclusive as it is the same as in the TV advert. The ad is clear and bright, attracting the eye of the reader. This makes those, who appreciate luxury, like it. This explains the success the campaign had in China, where luxury adverts are fairly valued. Mzoughi and Abdelhak urge that a visual figure in the ad has more effect on the mental imagery than verbal figures (Mzoughi Abdelhak 2011, p. 258). This can explain that the success of the campaign is attributable to the strong visual figure. The effect of the ad is more than what would have been achieved if instead someone just told reasons to watch the film or even purchase the perfume. This also explains the success of the print advert as it has a strong image that attracts the attention of the reader. According to Mzoughi and Abdelhak (2011, p. 259), the success of an advert depends on the attitude of the consumer towards it. According to the study, the success of an advert is not affected by the visual or vertical rhetoric in the advertisement. This is to say that the success of any advertisement should not be attributed solely to the creativity in the advertisement. The consumer is seen to be with almost all control of whether the advertisement succeeds or not. The Dior campaign should, therefore, appreciate the positive image that the company has created over time by providing quality products. Parts of a Visual Advertisement It is made of four parts, namely the heading, a central visual, the company’s logo and body copy. The headline is a part of the content in an advert that a consumer sees in order to understand what the ad is conveying. It captures the unique quality of the product. The headline needs to be clever, smart, funny and to the point in order to pass the main idea of the advert clearly. In some cases, when the visual communicates strongly, then the headline is not needed (Bear 2013). Dior J’Adore has a catchy heading on that is written in bold letters, though it is not surprising that it gets the interest of those, who visits this site, because it includes the name of famous actress, Charlize Theron in the heading. In the print advert, the visual is strong, so the heading is not included. The second part is the visual: Dior J’Adore has a film that features four actresses. The main model in the ad arrives late for the catwalk and finds the others underway their preparation. She readies herself, then walks the runway carrying a bottle of the perfume, which she presents to the awaiting people and journalists (Diderich 2011). The magazine and newspapers have the photo of the bottle of the perfume side by side with Theron, the face of J’Adore. Another crucial part of an ad is the company’s logo. Its purpose is to inform the audience, who is selling the product or service. The printed version of the ad has the logo of Dior J’Adore included in the image so that anyone, who sees the ad, gets to know the company that made the perfume. In this ad, the identity is highly significant as the ad is meant to cover more than one of the company’s products (Bear 2013). Therefore, it is essential for the company that is making the product be known. Partnering with Microsoft advertising is mainly aimed at encouraging people to visit their brand website. This ensures they can have chances to watch the film that advertises their various products. The last part of an ad is usually the body copy. This is the extra explanation added to the advertisement. It is not found in all ads as is the case with the online J’Adore advert. The body copy is often aimed at encouraging the customer to make a move like order the item or service online or make more inquiries about the product (Bear 2013). However, on the website, they provide more information on how to access the perfume and prices, as well. Elements of a Commercial A commercial has three elements. The first element is the objectives. The objectives of an ad are the reason, for which the advertisement was made and may also identify the target audience (University 2009). The Dior J’Adore ad campaign was created with the objectives of building a strong pillar for the Eau De Parfum. Another objective was to revive the Eau De Toilette and, lastly, drive the audience to the Dior J’Adore site and interest in watching the film. The second part is the campaign itself. It includes the method of delivery of the message. In the delivery of a message, the animation may be used for TV and video adverts; there are also catchy images for the print. The animation creates a relaxed atmosphere, and most of the time more people respond to them better than other methods (University 2009). As easily as they stick in the mind of people, another method could be using real people in real events like in the Dior J’Adore campaign. This kind of advertisement connects with people more as they are presented in terms of the real life situations, with which they can identify themselves. Dior features actresses, at whom people look and admire as they are seen as the cream of society, therefore, it improves the perception of people about the perfume (Microsoft Advertising revive the J’Adore Fragrance n.d.). Apart from the method of delivery of the message, there is also a need to make the consumers curious, thereby increasing their interest in finding out what the advertisement is all about. To create the curiosity for the customer on the home page, they have an ad featuring an elegant drop down reveal showcasing a second teaser of the full film. Consumers are encouraged to select the ad in order to see more on the brand website. In addition, all the other ads on online channels also direct users to visit the J’Adore Dior website. The third and last element involves the assessment of the effectiveness of the advert. The effectiveness of a campaign is observable through how the ad resonates with the consumers, the change in level of purchase and change in behaviour as a result of the advertisement. For instance, to measure the effectiveness of the new J’Adore campaign, Microsoft advertising conducted a research study on the MSN in the UK, China and France. Dior J’Adore had strong roots in France; hence, they recorded the highest metrics. The advert still caused a positive shift. In addition, in the UK, even though the base level was lower than in France, they had a significant increase across the metrics suggesting that the campaign resonated well with the customers, and a strong J’Adore brand was in the making. For the Chinese markets, the luxury brand advertising resonates substantially well with consumers; thus, an exceptionally strong campaign performance was seen in the result (Microsoft Advertising revive the J’Adore Fragrance n.d.). In addition, the whole brand film was watched by more people. The Dior J’Adore ad campaign has been a success in that it increased the sales in all the countries, where it was launched. In addition, it led to an increased interest in watching the full brand film and had the creativity in the advert appreciated by the customers. It is essential to emphasize that all the objectives of the campaign can be attributed to the fact that the ad captured the mind of the consumer, identified with them, had a celebrity as the cenre of the ads, and the fact that they only showed a short clip of the film and an attractive picture for the print creating the curiosity for the consumer.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Vulnerable Population in the Workplace Project Essay - 1

Vulnerable Population in the Workplace Project - Essay Example 2009). The disadvantages are driven by the social conditions, which a person works, live, play, and learn. This paper provides an overview of the health disparity in work place among the elderly. In the United States, health care disparity manifests itself in a number of ways both major and multiple. In one side, the health disparity is evident articles, which address life expectancy; the shortest and the longest living. On the second side, is the economic burden, in which a joint research by the Joint Centre for Political and Economic Studies, observed that cost of health care provision contributes to premature death. The aforementioned disparities lean on social and economic factors; where one lives, work, grow, and age. Primarily, social determinants such as access to care, poverty, and low socioeconomic status influence health provision in the society (RCEZEC 2009). It is arguable that the disparities in health provision influence health outcome. The health care disparity influen ces the lives of the underprivileged in the society more than the other groups. Health documents categorize the following groups under the underprivileged the disabled, the elderly, low income among others. The society seems to be judging the aforementioned categories before providing them with this vital service. Some critics have observed that the elderly in home health care have been subject to disparity. In a bid to establish the barriers to health care disparity, a study in a home health care for the elderly was paramount. The documentations about barriers to health care have indicated the following. The main barrier that hampers provision of health care among the elderly is the language barrier. Communication is essential tool in discharging healthcare services because of a number of reasons. Firstly, communication enables the healthcare practitioners to establish the right medication for the patients (HHS, 2010). Secondly, communications enables effective services to the pati ents. The second barrier documented to health care provision is the low income. Elderly, persons living in homes for the elderly have to meet the bills for the services they acquire in these facilities. In addition, meeting the expenses would depend on the income level of the individual. Coincidentally, many old people from the low-income families do not demonstrate the ability to meet their own bills because of limited savings. The above barriers have influenced provision of health care in the elderly home. The historic disparities, socially or economically has shaped the elderly that the project has targeted. Most Hispanic elderly, speakers have limited knowledge in English language. This has been a challenge in promoting health care provision in homes that host this group. The language problem has historical root, emanating from the cultural preferences, poverty, and political inclinations that shaped the lives of people in the past. Presently, attending to their social challenge s involves, understanding their culture, social status and bridging between modernity and the ancient tradition. Action Plan to Combat the Barriers Since language barrier influence the provision of health care among the elderly in the elderly homes, this project has established that it can work with bilingual nurses or healthcare professionals. This plan intends to give attention to health disparity cases of elderly persons that fail to communicate their problems effectively to the medical practitioners. The Hispanic

Saturday, November 2, 2019

British imperialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British imperialism - Essay Example In the first section of this Chapter, Stereotyping the coloniser and colonised, Johnson argues that one should make certain distinction between racism as an ideology of superiority of some biological races of humankind over the others, and racialism, which is, in his interpretation, merely a use of category of race in social sciences (2003, p. 107). Consequently, he argues that the racist ideas were relatively uncommon among the British population of late 18th to mid-19th century, when it was anticipated that the colonised population would swiftly cast away its ‘unenlightened’ mores and adopt to supposedly superior British culture. However, the â€Å"slow progress of change† in Westernisation of colonial peoples led to the rise of the ideas that blamed such intransigence on the supposedly backward inclinations of the ‘natives’ themselves (Johnson 2003, p. 108). The development of evolutionary theory, according to Johnson, facilitated the acceptance of the idea of inequality of the races, which led to the transition from racialism to racism in colonial ideology (2003, p. 109). Nevertheless, as Johnson points out, not all the members of colonial administration or British intellectuals dealing with the problems of relations with ‘natives’ were racist; he refers to progressive views of Mary Kingsley, David Livingstone and others that contravened the dominant racist discourse (2003, p. 111). Eventually, as Johnson remarks, the changing perceptions of racial identities after the First World War led to the relative decline of racist sentiments among British colonial administration and settlers, though campaigns for self-government of the colonies were still regarded as treasonous (ibid, p. 112). In the second section, Segregation, class and identity, Johnson turns his attention to the practices of formalised segregation. He lists several reasons for its establishment: concern among the colonisers over the possibility of di sease contagion from the native populace; the fear of the natives’ revolt; a desire to re-create British conditions of life in the ‘new’ place (Johnson 2003, p. 112-3). Another aspect of the segregation system was an abhorrence of racial mixing by the British Colonial society, which Johnson compares to the same sort of feeling towards sexual relations between persons of different social classes in Britain proper (2003, p. 114-5). Nevertheless, such attempts at minimising social contacts between representatives of different racial groups were constantly undermined by the necessity of trade interactions, the joint service in the colonial troops, etc. (Johnson 2003, p. 115). Johnson also notes the importance of class hierarchy in the colonial society, where race and class distinctions overlapped on the lower levels of social structure, while the local elites were treated by the colonial administration as almost equals (ibid, p. 115-6). Segregation in the settler col onies such as the Cape Colony or New Zealand was effectively used to cement the loyalty of the white population to the Empire and to remove chances of native elites using British political instruments or institutions (such as franchise) for their own benefit (ibid, pp. 117-8). Even though Johnson concludes that the intents of the British Empire as regarded conquered peoples were basically benevolent (2003, p. 108), and that